Upcoming Events
Heat Hurts Pregnancy: What Have we Learned and What Can we do?
Florida has the highest incidence of heat-related illness in the U.S. with an estimated 31,011 emergency room visits and hospitalizations occurring from 2018-2022. The risk of heat illness persists due to a warming climate. Scientific evidence indicates that patient health is already impacted by increased days of extreme heat. Join presenters from Florida Clinicians for Climate Action as they address how to identify signs and symptoms of heat illness and explore cost-effective strategies to treat and prevent heat illness in our patients.

Orchestrating Change: A Concert for Climate Action
Join the Durham Medical Orchestra, CACHE, and other sponsors for a moving and uplifting concert that explores climate change — and what we can do about it —through music.
Steven Bryant, composer
Nichola Clark, senior officer, ocean governance, Pew Charitable Trusts
Tony Huang, M.D., M.H.S., professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine at Duke University Medical Center
Symphony No. 6 (“Pastoral Symphony”) in F major, Ludwig van Beethoven
The Automatic Earth, Steven Bryant
Interested in co-commissioning the arrangement of The Automatic Earth for full symphony orchestra and electronics? More information here.
City Trees (orchestral version originally commissioned by DMO in 2015), Michael Markowski
Free admission (donations gratefully accepted). For additional information, please visit: https://www.dmomusic.org/orchestrating-change/

Climate Considerations in Sustainable Anesthesia
Upcoming in our Grand Rounds Series in Partnership with Southern Regional AHEC: Climate Considerations in Sustainable Anesthesia
Climate Change in NC: Considerations for Maternal and Newborn Health Disparities
July 14, 2023 12-1pm: Climate Change in NC: Considerations for Maternal and Newborn Health Disparities
Speaker: Maria Small, MD, MPH, Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology; Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Duke University Medical Center
Dr. Small will discuss the impact of climate change on reproductive health disparities.
Sign up for Zoom link in advance for this meeting:
Zoom will send you a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The CACHE Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.
Youth, Sports, and Prevention of Heat-Related Illness
June 9, 2023 12-1pm: Youth, Sports, and Prevention of Heat-Related Illness
Speaker: Suzanne Wolf, DHSc, CPH, PA-C
Suzie Wolf discusses climate-related risks for youth engaged in sports, and the prevention of heat-related injuries.
Brochures with the session information and Zoom link are updated monthly.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The CACHE Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.
Heat-Related Risks with Common Medications
May 12, 2023 12-1pm: Heat-Related Risks with Commonly Prescribed Medications
Speaker: Andrew J Muzyk, PharmD, Clinical Specialist, Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Dr. Andrew Muzyk, PharmD discusses heat related risks and mitigation strategies for commonly prescribed medications.
Brochures with the session information and Zoom link are updated monthly.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The CACHE Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.

Program Description
This virtual, inaugural symposium seeks to advance sustainable healthcare in North Carolina and to improve resilience, mitigate climate change, and promote equity.
Target Audience
Physicians, resident physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, allied health, public health, healthcare administrators and leadership, students, community health workers, and community members.
This program is free to attend and free educational credit is available.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Examine cost-saving sustainable healthcare practices and carbon footprint reduction in NC health systems
Build a community of invested health care professionals in North Carolina
Engage Health System Leaders, faculty and students, and community allies in dialogue to examine models that advance equity and sustainability
12:30 p.m. Overview Celeste Gracia, North Carolina Public Radio -WUNC
12:40 p.m. Keynote Speaker Gaurab Basu, MD, MPH, CHEEA, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
1:30 p.m. Green Team Panel Marla Kasper, BSN, RN, RYT, EMSL - Moderator
John Lohnes PA-C - Duke University Health System
Camil Craciunescu - UNC School of Medicine, CLEAN Med UNC
2:15 p.m. Break
2:30 p.m. Learner Engagement Panel Alistair Mukondiwa, MD – Moderator
Hope M. Gehle - UNC School of Medicine, CLEAN Med UNC
Julia Schoen, MD, MS – Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Caitlin Hildebrand, MD, MPH - UNC Gillings School of Public Health
Sheridan Finnie, MD, MPH – Family Medicine, UNC School of Medicine
Trisha Dalapati, MS – Duke University School of Medicine
3:15 p.m. Community Leadership Panel Jennifer Lawson, MD, MA, - Moderator
Max Cawley - Museum of Life + Science
Trinity Vetere - Sustainable Sandills
Ren Martin - NC Council of Churches, NC Interfaith Power & Light Campaign
Ayo Wilson, MPA - West End Revitalization Association
4:10 p.m. Health System Leadership David W. Callaway, MD, MPA, Atrium Health
4:40 p.m. Wrap up and Discussion Celeste Gracia
4:45 p.m. Adjourn
Climate Risks and Chronic Kidney Disease
March 10, 2023 12-1pm: Climate Risks and Chronic Kidney Disease
Speaker: Emily Chang, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, UNC School of Medicine
Dr. Emily Chang discusses the climate-related risks to consider when caring for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Brochures with the session information and Zoom link are updated monthly.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The CACHE Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.

Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds: Communities Addressing Air Quality and Health
February 10, 2023: Communities Addressing Air Quality and Health
Speaker: Steve Justus, MD, Board certified diplomate in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, former diplomate in Emergency Medicine, Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The North Carolina Clinicians for Climate Action (NCCCA) Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.
Brochures with the session information and Zoom link are updated monthly.

Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds: Pregnancy and Neonatal Health
December 9, 2022: Impact of the Climate Crisis on Pregnancy and Neonatal Health
Speaker: Jennifer Runkle, PhD, NC State/North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) and the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies (CISESS) within the academic arm of NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and all health care professionals.
Program Description
The North Carolina Clinicians for Climate Action (NCCCA) Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice. Monthly grand rounds talks will address concerns and practice considerations related to heat-related illness, maternal health, mental health, pediatric practice, dermatology, and more.
Upon completion of this knowledge-based course, the participant will be able to:
• Discuss NC health and community vulnerabilities related to climate change.
• Examine the intersection between climate change, equity, and sustainability.
• Identify tools for cultivating resilience in response to climate change.
Brochures with the session information and Zoom link are updated monthly.

Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Series: NC Dept. of Public Health Update
The North Carolina Clinicians for Climate Action (NCCCA) Climate and Health Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice.
2nd Fridays of the month.
In the September session Autumn Locklear (NC DPH) will discuss climate and health issues in NC and will share NC Division of Public Health, Occupational & Environmental Epidemiology Branch initiatives including the BRACE collaborative and the heat-related illness task force.

Climate Resilience in Medical Practice Series: Health Impacts and Caring for Older Adults
The North Carolina Clinicians for Climate Action (NCCCA) Climate and Health Grand Rounds examines the health implications of climate change for our patients and communities and offers strategies to address prevention and emerging needs in clinical practice.
2nd Fridays of the month.
In the August session Dr. Liza Genao examines the significant vulnerabilities climate change presents for North Carolina's older adults. We will examine the steps providers can take to mitigate negative health impacts for their older patients.
Maternal Health Equity and Climate Change
VIEW RECORDING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEHwqasCKPw
A panel discussion exploring the intersection of racism, climate change, and health equity, with a particular focus on maternal and infant health, featuring:
Dr. Stephanie Johannes, Pediatrician
Joy Spencer, Executive Director of Equity Before Birth
Maya Jackson, Founder and Executive Director of Mobilizing African American Mothers for Empowerment (MAAME)
Max Cawley, Program Manager at the Museum of Life and Science
Climate Change, Health, and Hope
Jointly hosted by NCCCA, UNC School of Medicine Social Medicine, and CLEAN UNC.
Dr. Howard Frumkin is an internist, environmental and occupational medicine specialist and epidemiologist. He will discuss the health impacts of the global climate crisis, as well as hope as a positive influence on human health and response to these challenges. He has served as Dean of the University of Washington School of Public Health, led the “Our Planet, Our Health” initiative at the Wellcome Trust, directed the National Center for Environmental Health and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and served as Special Assistant to the CDC Director for Climate Change and Health. Previously he served as Professor and Chair of Environmental and Occupational Health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health and Professor of Medicine at Emory Medical School.
Register Here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrdO6vrDMjHdU1FSai0DsaVrfs-KEgon2T

Climate Change, Heat, and Sports Safety
Join NC Clinicians for Climate Action, Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action, and Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action in a timely discussion of heat and sports safety.
Dr. Grundstein will speak about the impact of climate change and heat on sports safety, environmental monitoring, and assessment of heat vulnerability.
Dr. Andrew Grundstein of the University of Georgia is one of the nation's leaders on heat and sports safety. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and his research on heat and health has been supported by grants from agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Centers for Disease Control.
Register here (free): https://tinyurl.com/heat-sports-safety

Heat Illness in the Rural Southeast U.S.
Join NCCCA, VCCA, and GCCA in the discussion of heat illness with Dr. Chip Konrad.
Dr. Konrad is a Professor of Geography at UNC-Chapel Hill and the Director of the NOAA Southeast Regional Climate Center. He is a climatologist who studies extreme weather and its impacts on society.
In this talk, the nature of heat illness is described across the Southeast U.S. through both the research carried out across the urban-rural continuum of North Carolina and the engagement with public health professionals and high school athletic personnel. The geographical patterns of heat illness are unveiled along with the climatic and socioeconomic factors that drive this variation. Lastly, efforts to reduce heat illness in vulnerable populations are delineated.
FREE, registration required: